Current Students

We are committed to providing the individual advice and assistance students need at every step throughout their degree programs. For more policy-oriented questions, see the Academics section. For scholarships, internships, leadership opportunities and more, see Opportunities. If you can’t find what you are looking for or have additional questions, reach out to your assigned academic advisor, who will serve as your primary point of contact at CUNY BA.

Academic Advisement

Academic advisors are available to answer questions about course work, requirements, mentors, and other matters related to their degrees. Each student is assigned an advisor based on their last name. The advisors conduct admissions appointments, credit checks, and graduation audits. They work by appointment but host virtual drop-in hours each week too. You can contact your advisor directly to schedule an appointment.


Still Have Questions? Ask an Advisor.

Kate McPherson, Senior Academic Advisor

Rafal Szczurowski, Academic Advisor