resume on a bright tablet screen.

CUNY BA Résumé Writing – Virtual Workshop

CUNY BA students and alumni are invited to a special lunchtime event to gain valuable skills in writing a résumé. This expert-led workshop will provide techniques and strategies for tailoring your résumé and highlighting your unique experiences and achievements, with time for questions and personalized advice.
planner, pen, books on wooden desk

JOIN US: Virtual Info session on the CUNY BA-MALS Pipeline Program – April 27

In this program, students in good standing with at least one semester of coursework in CUNY BA, at least 60 credits completed (at least junior level), and a CUNY BA GPA of at least 3.0 may be permitted to earn up to 12 credits within MALS during their undergraduate degree program in CUNY BA.
woman in yellow turtle neck and black jacket.

Interview with Alumna Brittany Rodriguez (Neuroscience, Brooklyn College ‘21)

Interview with Alumna Brittany Rodriguez (Neuroscience, Brooklyn College ‘21) ​​Interview by Brandon Greyson Kim (Moral Philosophy and Axiological Futurism, Hunter College ’23) Tell me about your areas of concentration (“AOCs”) and your overall experience in the CUNY BA Program. I…
Peter Altman's profile picture

Staff Spotlight: Peter Altman, Coordinator of Admissions and Recruitment

Staff Spotlight: Peter Altman, Coordinator of Admissions & Recruitment Interview by CUNY BA Student, Karl Taps (AOC Ancient Mediterranean Religions, Hunter College ‘22) Karl Taps: What professional path or experience brought you to CUNY BA? Peter Altman: I worked as…
two women sitting opposite each other at a desk, by a window.

CUNY BA Peer Mentor Program Application Deadline Extended Until 1/21

Don’t forget to apply to become a peer mentor! Apply here by January 21st, 2022. Are you a current CUNY BA student interested in gaining leadership skills while supporting another CUNY BA student? Consider applying to be a peer mentor! The Peer Mentor Program is…