How to Apply to CUNY BA for the Fall 2024 Semester:
CUNY BA is still accepting applications to the program for the Fall 2024 semester. The deadline is approaching soon.
You can learn more about the program and review the application.
Great news! We are accepting applications for the Fall 2024 semester!
You can still apply! The CUNY BA admissions criteria and application are on our website.
Please see some useful links you can use when applying to CUNY BA:
(Reminder: The CUNY BA program application is a different and separate application from the college application):
Fill out the application online.
Proposing Your Area of Concentration / AOC (major)
This is the course of study you are creating (second page of the application). It’s a proposal/outline for your application. You can adjust it once you’re in the program:
1. Pick a title for the AOC (think of it as the name of the major) you want to study.
2. Pick courses that fit with the AOC title. At least eight courses must be listed.
3. Reminder: No community college courses. No introductory courses.
CUNY Senior Colleges (4-Year Colleges) To Pick Courses From:
To search for courses by subject (Business, Sciences, Education, Dance, etc.), start at the CUNY Undergraduate Programs site to get an idea of the areas.
- Baruch College, Brooklyn College, College of Staten Island (CSI),
- Hunter College, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Lehman College,
- Medgar Evers College, New York City College of Technology (City Tech), Queens College,
- School of Professional Studies (SPS), York College, City College of New York
You can see some AOC samples and further directions here:
Searching for Courses for Your Area of Concentration (AOC) Proposal
You can view all CUNY courses, college by college, department by department, at this link; every course description is available:
Search for CUNY classes: CUNY Global Search Class Schedule
Browse CUNY Catalog: Browse Course Catalog
CUNY Transfer Explorer: See CUNY courses
1. Fill out and submit the CUNY BA Application
If your application is considered for the program after review, CUNY BA will contact you for an Admissions Appointment. During this appointment, your road map and future with CUNY BA will be discussed (credits, AOC, essential details). We suggest submitting the application as soon as possible so the CUNY BA Admissions Department can give feedback if needed.
- Remember to apply to a CUNY college (a different and separate application from CUNYBA) if you’re not already enrolled at one for the Fall 2024 semester. This will be your CUNY BA home college.
- You can do both applications simultaneously as they are different applications and go to different places.
- You will not see the CUNY BA Program as an option on the college application, so pick a major that is closest to your interests.