CUNY BA students enjoy a dual citizenship of sorts, retaining access to all of the services, extracurriculars, and benefits of their home college. They layer on top of those all of the opportunities available to them through CUNY BA. Below you will find information about CUNY BA scholarships, leadership opportunities, graduate pipeline programs, study abroad, our annual student showcase, and Fulbright advising.
CUNY BA students apply for financial aid through their home colleges. In addition, subject to the availability of funding, the program is pleased to offer a number of funding opportunities. These awards, funded by a variety of donors, are exclusively for students enrolled in the CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies. Students who meet the basic eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply for CUNY BA funding opportunities, as well as scholarships and awards available at their CUNY home colleges and through external organizations.
Newly admitted students who want to apply for any of these scholarships are encouraged to submit their Area of Concentration form(s) by the scholarship application deadline. Students with 90 or more credits must have a graduation audit before the scholarship application deadline.
Prior to submitting your application, we highly recommend that you review your CUNY BA transcript in the self-service area of CUNYfirst to be sure it is up-to-date.
Opportunities are listed according to their application period. Please click on each funding opportunity below for detailed information:
Fall: August 14 - September 30 | Spring: January 14 - February 28
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- be a first-semester student of the CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies program
- have a GPA of at least 3.00 at the time of admission
- have completed at least 30 credits
- enroll in a minimum of 6 credits in their first semester with the program
Award Details
This is a one-time award of $2,500 and previous recipients may not re-apply.
Applications are accepted during the first months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of October for the Fall semester and March for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the application is open.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Applicants are required to provide a recommender’s information in the online application. Your recommender should be a faculty member that knows you and your work well. Once your application is submitted your recommender will receive an automated online recommendation form that must be completed as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommender and ensure that they submit the online recommendation form.
Apply Here
This opportunity is no longer accepting applications for the Spring 2025. The Fall 2025 application will be posted in August.
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- be a first-generation college student - defined as neither parent has completed a higher education degree in the US or foreign country
- be in good academic standing; not under academic review
- applicants may be registered part-time or full-time
Award Details
Up to four awards in the amount of $750 will be awarded each Fall and Spring semester. This is a one-time award; previous recipients may not re-apply.
Applications are accepted during the first months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of October for the Fall semester and March for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the scholarship is open.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Applicants are required to provide a recommender’s information in the online application. Your recommender should be a faculty member that knows you and your work well. Once the application is submitted your recommender will receive an automated online recommendation form that must be completed as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommender and ensure that they submit the online recommendation form.
Apply Here
This opportunity is no longer accepting applications for the Spring 2025. The Fall 2025 application will be posted in August.
Fall: October 1 - October 31 | Spring: March 1 - March 31
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- be working in or preparing for careers in health, human services, social welfare or education
- be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- have an overall GPA of 2.8 or higher
- applicants may be registered part-time or full-time
Award Details
Up to five scholarships in the amount of $1,500 will be awarded each Fall and Spring semester. This is a one-time award; previous recipients may not re-apply.
Applications are accepted during the first months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of November for the Fall semester and April for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the scholarship is open.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Applicants are required to provide a recommender’s information in the online application. Your recommender should be a faculty member that knows you and your work well. Once the application is submitted your recommender will receive an automated online recommendation form that must be completed as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommender and ensure that they submit the online recommendation form.
Apply Here:
This opportunity is accepting applications for Spring 2025 from March 1 to March 31. To apply, please complete the online application.
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- be pursuing religious studies directly or an interdisciplinary field that includes religious studies
- be in good academic standing; not under academic review
- applicants may be registered part-time or full-time
Award Details
Up to five scholarships in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded each Fall and Spring semester. This is a one-time award; previous recipients may not re-apply.
Applications are accepted during the first months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of November for the Fall semester and April for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the scholarship is open.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Applicants are required to provide a recommender’s information in the online application. Your recommender should be a faculty member that knows you and your work well. Once the application is submitted your recommender will receive an automated online recommendation form that must be completed as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommender and ensure that they submit the online recommendation form.
Apply Here
This opportunity is accepting applications for Spring 2025 from March 1 to March 31. To apply, please complete the online application.
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- be a nontraditional student – CUNY BA uses this definition: According to the practice of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), “nontraditional status is based on the presence of one or more of seven possible nontraditional characteristics… including older than typical age, part-time attendance, being independent of parents, working full-time while enrolled, having dependents, being a single parent, and being a recipient of a GED or high school completion certificate”.
- be in good academic standing; not under academic review
- have at least 6 credits in progress as a CUNY BA student
- applicants may be registered part-time or full-time
Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received funding from CUNY BA. Additional consideration will be given to the student’s volunteer experience for social causes.
The fund will award selected recipients until minimum degree requirements are met, which are typically met around 120 credits. However, an applicant that may need more than 120 credits to meet their minimum degree requirements for graduation may be granted an exception.
Award Details
Up to four awards in the amount of $1000 will be awarded each Fall and Spring semester. Previous recipients may re-apply.
Applications are accepted during the first months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of November for the Fall semester and April for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the application is open.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Applicants are required to provide a recommender’s information in the online application. Your recommender should be a faculty member that knows you and your work well. Once your application is submitted your recommender will receive an automated online recommendation form that must be completed as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommender and ensure that they submit the online recommendation form.
Apply Here
This opportunity is accepting applications for Spring 2025 from March 1 to March 31. To apply, please complete the online application.
Fall: November 1 - November 30 | Spring: April 1 - April 30
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- Have at least 45 credits completed
- Have at least 6 CUNY credits in progress as a CUNY BA student
- Have at least 6 credits remaining to complete the CUNY BA degree requirements beyond the semester during which they apply for the Fellowship (students cannot apply during their last semester in the CUNY BA program)
- Have no incompletes on their record without valid explanation and documentation
- Be in good academic standing; not under academic review
- International students may apply
Award Details
The Thomas W. Smith Academic Fellowship recognizes academic achievement and excellence and is merit-based. Attention is given to the applicant's GPA and to the scholarly robustness of the applicant's academic interests and plans. The committee is interested in candidates’ scholarly pursuits and depth of experience in their fields, corresponding co-curricular activities, as well as any academic honors and recognitions. The committee also notes civic and community engagement.
GPA is not the only factor in the committee’s decision; however, you should maintain as strong a GPA as possible and include an explanation about any low or incomplete grades in your application. In this explanation, include your expectation of when any incomplete grades will be resolved and details on the steps you are taking to improve your GPA.
Awards of $4,000 per semester are made to full-time students (minimum 12 credits per semester); $3,000 per semester to part-time students taking 9-11 credits per semester; and $2,000 per semester for students taking 6-8 credits per semester. Recipients begin to receive funding in the semester following the one in which they apply for the fellowship. Awards are typically disbursed in October and March. For example, selected applicants from the fall application cycle become Smith Fellows in the following spring semester and their award is disbursed in March.
Award Requirements
Fellowship awards are dependent upon the availability of funds. If funds remain available, your participation in the Fellowship will be automatically renewed until you have completed minimum degree requirement which typically means around 120 credits. Therefore, CUNY BA has the right to determine funding eligibility after you earn 120 credits. In most cases, Smith Fellowship funding terminates when a student has reached 120 credits. If you are a CUNY BA student who is also a student of the Macaulay Honors College and you receive 5th year funding from Macaulay Honors College, please note that the Smith Fellowship will not extend to cover that 5th year of college. The funding will terminate when you reach 120 credits.
In addition to maintaining good academic standing, Smith Fellows must take at least six credits each semester following the award; attend an orientation session and other events and ceremonies throughout the semester; submit an end of semester report each semester; and have a graduation audit when they reach 90 credits. CUNY BA reserves the right to scale back or terminate funding if it is determined that a Smith Fellow is taking excessive elective credits. Please see the Guidelines Summary for Applicants for more information on fellowship requirements.
Smith Fellows who wish to receive funding during a term in which they are studying abroad must comply with the CUNY International Travel Guidelines. Smith Fellows should contact Kate McPherson to coordinate their plans and receive approval as far in advance of their time abroad as possible.
Applications are accepted during the final months of the Fall and Spring semesters. Notifications of awards are sent out in December for the Fall semester and May for the Spring semester. A link to the application will be posted on this page when the fellowship is open.
When submitting your application, please ensure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also, please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form.
Letter of recommendation for the Thomas W. Smith Academic Fellowship: A formal letter of recommendation is required. Your CUNY BA faculty mentor should write the letter. If you are new to the CUNY BA program and do not yet have a mentor, then your recommendation can be written by another CUNY faculty member. Please do not ask a CUNY BA staff member to write your recommendation letter. We consider this a conflict of interest. The letter of recommendation should be emailed to scholarships@cunyba.cuny.edu as soon as possible.
Apply Here
This opportunity is not accepting applications yet. The Spring 2025 application will open on April 1.
CUNY BA is pleased to offer opportunity grants that support three types of high-impact experiential learning opportunities: study abroad, undergraduate research, and unpaid internships.
Applications are accepted in November for Winter/Spring programs and in April for Summer/Fall programs. Notifications of awards are sent out in the months of December and May, respectively. A link to each grant application will be posted on this page when the application opens.
When submitting your application, please make sure your responses are substantial and well thought out. Answer each question as accurately as possible. Carefully consider your answers and make sure you proofread before submitting your application. Also please note the character limits on the form. You are encouraged to compose your responses in a separate document and copy and paste them into the online form. Please email us at scholarships@cunyba.cuny.edu if you have any questions about these opportunity grants.
Study Abroad Opportunity Grant
- The study abroad program must be for credit at an accredited program. Campus exchange programs and CUNY programs are recommended, as being the most cost-effective
- Student must be in good academic standing, not under academic review
Grant Details
- Up to $3,000 for a full-semester study abroad (fall or spring)
- Up to $1,500 for a short-term study abroad (winter or summer)
- Priority will be given to students who have not previously received funding for study abroad from CUNY BA
- Students must meet all CUNY travel and study abroad requirements to be eligible for the award. Home campus study abroad program or liaison can assist students with this. Please refer to the CUNY International Travel Guidelines: https://www1.cuny.edu/sites/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/media-assets/CUNY-International-Travel-Guidelines.pdf
The application requires the following:
- Answering questions related to the expected benefits in terms of learning and professional development, financial need, and why the student has chosen this particular program
- Supporting documentation, including but not limited to:
- Proof of application or acceptance letter to an accredited study abroad program (verified by CUNY, IIE, or CIEE). If not available at the time application, this must be submitted before the award can be disbursed.
- Official program statement of costs (projected costs) from the program, such as in a brochure or acceptance letter
- Other expense documentation, as necessary (for example, flight cost documentation)
- Accepting to provide proof of successful completion of academic credit upon return
- Committing to share experiences, upon completion, with the CUNY BA community, for example, presenting, speaking on a workshop panel, or creating content for the CUNY BA webpage
Apply Here
This opportunity is no longer accepting applications for Winter/Spring programs. The application for Summer/Fall programs will be posted in April.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Grant
- The grant must be requested for academic research expenses and/or conference travel expenses in which the student will be presenting
- The research experience needs to be for credit; for example, being registered for a thesis course or independent study
- Student must be in good academic standing, not under academic review
Grant Details
- For research expenses (for example, travel expenses to visit an archive, materials costs, or other documented research expenses), up to $500
- Conference travel expenses for students presenting at a relevant professional conference, up to $500
- Priority will be given to students who have not previously received funding for undergraduate research from CUNY BA
- Students must meet all CUNY domestic travel requirements to be eligible for the award. Please refer to the CUNY Domestic Travel Guidelines: https://www.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/offices/ovsa/policies/Domestic-Travel-Guidelines-2018-REVISED.pdf
The application requires the following:
- Answering questions related to the expected benefits in terms of learning and professional development and financial need
- Course name and code. If not available at the time application, this must be submitted before the award can be disbursed.
- Supporting documentation, including but not limited to:
- Proof of project and registration for credit: Letter from faculty mentor, offer letter to work on research project, or conference proposal acceptance letter
- Documented expenses, such as registration and travel costs receipts
- Committing to share experiences, upon completion, with the CUNY BA community, for example, presenting, speaking on a workshop panel, or creating content for the CUNY BA webpage
Apply Here
This opportunity is no longer accepting applications for Winter/Spring programs. The application for Summer/Fall programs will be posted in April.
Unpaid Internship Stipend
- The stipend must be requested for a quality unpaid internship
- The internship needs to be for credit; for example, being registered for independent study
- The internship must have a duration of a full semester (not winter or summer semesters)
- The internship must be within the continental United States and occur while the applicant is a registered CUNY BA student, i.e., not graduating during the time of the internship
- Student must be in good academic standing, not under academic review
Stipend Details
- Unpaid internship stipend, with demonstration of a quality internship, of $1,000
- Priority will be given to students who have not previously received funding for an unpaid internship from CUNY BA
- Students must meet all CUNY domestic travel requirements to be eligible for the award. Please refer to the CUNY Domestic Travel Guidelines: https://www.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/offices/ovsa/policies/Domestic-Travel-Guidelines-2018-REVISED.pdf
The application requires the following:
- Answering questions related to financial need, expected benefits in terms of learning and professional development and how the role fits with professional interests
- Course name and code. If not available at the time application, this must be submitted before the award can be disbursed.
- Supporting documentation, including but not limited to:
- Offer letter confirming that the internship is unpaid
- Detailed job description and learning goals of the role
- The CUNY BA Quality Internship Verification Checklist (PDF) form, signed by the supervisor, which attests to types of responsibilities, training, and supervision the student will receive, and the limits of clerical tasks
- Committing to share experiences, upon completion, with the CUNY BA community, for example, presenting, speaking on a workshop panel, or creating content for the CUNY BA webpage
Apply Here
This opportunity is no longer accepting applications for Winter/Spring programs. The application for Summer/Fall programs will be posted in April.
Scholarship Office
For all scholarships related questions please contact the CUNY BA Scholarships department at scholarships@cunyba.cuny.edu. See below for the contact information of Tracy Mejia Urena, our Scholarships & Events Specialist.
Scholarships & Events Specialist
Phone: 212-817-8223
Email: Tracy.MejiaUrena61@cunyba.cuny.edu
Drop-in hours: Thursdays from 11 AM-1 PM
Attend drop-in hours on Zoom: Click here
Leadership Opportunities
CUNY BA offers a range of opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and experience.
The Student Leadership Council (SLC) is the sole, student-led organization within CUNY BA.

The SLC is committed to:
- Providing students with the knowledge, support, and resources to lead successful lives;
- Advancing the program’s local and national presence as a leader in individualized study;
- Promoting student engagement within the program and across the university; and
- Strengthening professional relations between students, administration, and alumni.
The SLC holds bi-weekly meetings – open to all members of the CUNY BA community – on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM-11:30 AM (Spring 2025 Meeting Dates: 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/8, 4/22, and 5/6)
Executive Board | 2024-25

CeCe Hori, Chairperson, is a CUNY BA senior studying Financial Risks and Morality and Ethics. She previously served as the SLC's Risk Assessment & Management Director ('22-'23) and was also part of the University Committee for the CUNY BA. CeCe interned at Blackstone for the summer 2023 as a Vendor Risk Management Analyst which furthered her knowledge and passion for Risk Management, as well as an Equity Capital Markets Analyst during the summer 2024. Her home college is Baruch College.
Laiba Nizami, Secretary, bio forthcoming

Ivona Kulusic-Ho, Alumni Relations is a CUNY BA junior studying International Relations and Chinese Language & Culture. I aspire to work in an NGO or international nonprofit. I hope to create a strong community within CUNY BA for all current and incoming students during my time on the council.
Aaron Kim, Fundraising, is a CUNY BA sophomore studying philosophy with a focus on Thought, Reality, and Mortality. In his first year (22-23) he was a member of the SLC while also being an active board member with the Philosophy Club at CCNY. His home college is Hunter College.

Patrycja Milewska, Media, is a Strategy Marketing and Digital Media Major at CUNY BA. She previously created marketing campaigns for the films La Serenata and Namoo with Summer Design Institute, as well as interning at the New York Jazz Academy during the 2023-2024 academic year. Currently, she is serving as the Media & Marketing Director at TEDxCUNY. Her home institution is Baruch College.
Karina Fernandez Saito, Community Engagement, is a junior at Brooklyn College, majoring in Ethics in Cognitive Health through the CUNY BA program. Her studies focus on ethical issues in cognitive health, particularly the disparities faced by women of color in the medical field. This is her first year on the Student Leadership Council, where she aims to maximize engagement for the CUNY BA program. Karina is also a Mellon Mays and CUNY Pipeline Fellow, programs that support underrepresented students in exploring graduate education and research.

Chelsea Chacha, Event Planner, is a CUNY BA senior studying New Media Content Creation and Social Influence Marketing. She has served as the Event Chair for Markers of Baruch (MOB) and has studied abroad in South Korea, where she collaborated with Brooklyn College to create a documentary in the summer of 2023. Her home college is Hunter College.
Past Executive Boards of the Student Leadership Council
"I appreciate my peer mentor so much. He is phenomenal and he deserves so much recognition for how invested he is in truly helping and supporting his peers. He goes above and beyond." ~Malika Pegues, Peer Mentee 2020
“Joining CUNY BA is one of the best decisions I have ever made… I have learned that self-advocacy is essential, especially in such a big program like CUNY. I would love to help new CUNY BA students learn how to navigate some of the academic and bureaucratic hurdles that may appear along the way, as well as encourage them to make the best of CUNY BA.” ~Miranda-Sofia Ranghelli-Duran, Peer Mentor, 2020
“I believe CUNY BA is an incredibly dynamic program that can help students pursue their individualized career and academic interests. However, at the same time, students may still struggle navigating the administrative bureaucracy and academic procedures while in the program… I want to help CUNY BA students feel confident about their academic plans and provide any kind of guidance, advice or mentorship to CUNY BA students who may be pursuing similar academic interests.” ~Wali Ullah, Peer Mentor, 2020
“My experience with my peer mentor and the CUNY BA Peer Mentoring program has been a real pleasure. It is a different relationship to develop with a peer - more relaxed, less pressure and a great place to let off steam about the heavy lift that designing your own program can sometimes be. Angela is a supportive, curious and friendly human that I know I can touch base with - whether it be memes or moans or news to celebrate for either of us. My experience of the CUNY BA Peer Mentor program has been really grounding over my first semester, and I hope to carry this relationship into the future.” ~Christina Marks, Peer Mentee, 2021
What is a Peer Mentor?
A peer mentor is a guide, coach, role model, advocate, and friend who is there to help you grow professionally and personally by sharing knowledge, resources, and experiences.
The CUNY BA Peer Mentor Program was established in 2019 to foster greater community involvement in CUNY BA and better prepare CUNY BA students for success, both in the program and beyond.
The Peer Mentor’s Role
Peer mentors supplement the guidance that students receive from their academic advisor and faculty mentor, and help their mentees successfully navigate the program. Mentor responsibilities can include, but are not limited to, helping mentees:
- Establish and maintain a productive relationship with a faculty mentor.
- Design or refine their academic plans for specific Area(s) of Concentration.
- Anticipate and navigate administrative issues, such as course registration.
- Find and participate in relevant professional and personal development opportunities.
- Succeed in their classes and enhance academic growth.
- Gain a strong source of personal and social support throughout the semester.
The Peer Mentee’s Role
Mentorship is a two-way street, and mentees invest in the relationship just as much as mentors. As such, mentees are called to:
- Be open and communicative with mentors about specific needs, goals, and challenges.
- Reach out to mentors with questions or concerns that arise throughout the semester.
- Make the most out of the partnership by respecting mentors’ time and energy.
Benefits of Program Participation
Students who participate in the peer mentor program benefit from:
- Ongoing professional and leadership development opportunities
- Enhanced communication, interpersonal, and management skills
- Networking opportunities with other CUNY BA students and staff
Peer mentors also benefit from:
- An exciting program opportunity to add to a CV or resume
- Potential volunteer hours to fulfill outstanding service requirements (dependent on specific service program criteria)
Interested in Applying? Questions?
Peer mentors and mentees are assigned for one-semester terms at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semester. If you are interested in applying to be a Peer Mentor for Spring 2025, APPLY HERE.
The CUNY BA Peer Mentor Program is overseen by the CUNY BA Fellows. If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Fellows at fellows@cunyba.cuny.edu.
What are campus ambassadors?
Program goals:
The Student Ambassadors’ program was created to accomplish four broad goals:
- To create a body of CUNY BA student representatives to assist the CUNY BA Student Leadership Council (SLC) in their communications with prospective students and contribute to CUNY BA recruitment strategies.
- To increase literacy about the CUNY BA program among current and prospective students.
- To promote leadership and service opportunities for current CUNY BA students through their experience as a resource to prospective students.
- To facilitate avenues of communication centered on student perspectives and promote community building among current and prospective CUNY BA students.
How to become a Student Ambassador?
Student Ambassadors are a body of current CUNY BA students. Students who are interested in participating in the program must complete an online application form. Applications are circulated by the CUNY BA SLC and open at the beginning of each semester. The CUNY BA SLC is also in charge of reviewing these applications, as well as selecting new Student Ambassadors and notifying applicants of their decision.
- To be a matriculated CUNY BA student.
- To have completed at least one semester as a CUNY BA student.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Exceptions can be made if a CUNY BA academic advisor can vouch for the student.
- Committing to at least one semester as a Student Ambassador.
- Past community involvement and leadership experience are preferred but not required.
Student Ambassadors’ responsibilities:
- Attending a brief training session facilitated by the CUNY BA SLC.
- Attending in-person campus recruitment events–such as admissions fairs, to answer questions and interact with CUNY students who are interested in applying to the CUNY BA program.
- Develop positive and professional relationships with prospective students, be it remotely–primarily via email–or in person.
- Collaborate with the SLC, as well as CUNY BA staff and Doctoral Fellows, to participate and contribute to CUNY BA programming.
Program benefits:
- The Student Ambassadors’ program fulfills the service requirement of Smith Fellows.
- Student Ambassadors automatically qualify to run for a leadership role (e-board) on the Student Leadership Council, as they are exempt from the general requirement of attending at least three SLC meetings to be eligible.
- Being a part of the program provides verifiable leadership and professional experience to include in résumés, as well as graduate, internship, and job applications.
- Meet and engage with fellow CUNY BA students and alumni, virtually and in person.
- Become involved in the CUNY BA community in a more meaningful way.
4+1 Graduate Pipeline Programs
CUNY BA students can apply for a pipeline M.A. program in Liberal Studies, a Master's in Public Health (MPH) or a Master's at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. Read more below!
4 + 1 Pipeline Program with CUNY School of Public Health
CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA) and CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (SPH) agree to establish a Bachelor’s-Master’s pipeline program, the CUNY BA-SPH 4+1 Program.
The pipeline permits eligible CUNY BA students (as defined below) to take graduate- level courses at the CUNY School of Public Health (SPH) during their junior and senior years in CUNY BA, with such courses counting towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and secures their early admission to SPH’s master’s programs, to enable the completion of both the undergraduate and master’s degrees in five years rather than six. To apply for admission, students will be required to submit a one-to-two-page personal statement explaining their personal and academic rationale for joining the pipeline program. Students should demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a master’s degree in public health, the health sciences, or industrial hygiene and/or a career in the field of health based upon their current program of study or work experience.
With support from CUNY BA, the student will submit their application, personal statement, and official CUNY BA transcripts to the CUNY BA 4+1 Admissions Committee who will review the materials and consult with the student’s CUNY BA Academic Advisor on any additional pertinent information needed. Final decisions regarding provisional acceptances at SPH will be made by the SPH 4+1 Admissions Committee. SPH and CUNY BA will issue joint letters of acceptance, rejection, or waitlist status during the Spring and Fall semesters. The CUNY BA students will apply to the program in Spring for admission in the Summer or Fall session, or in Fall for admission in the Spring session. Accepted students may earn up to 18 credits in SPH graduate courses that will apply towards both their bachelor’s degree at CUNY BA and their master’s degree at SPH.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Completed 60 undergraduate credits or more
- Maintained a cumulative CUNY GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Not yet in their last semester of the CUNY BA program
Master of Public Health (MPH) concentrations:
MPH in Community Health
MPH in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
MPH in Health Policy and Management
MPH in Public Health Nutrition
Master of Science (MS) concentrations:
MS in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
MS in Health Communications for Social Change (online program)
MS in Population Health Informatics (online program)
Current CUNY BA students interested in applying should complete this application.
4 + 1 Pipeline Program with Masters in Liberal Studies at CUNY Graduate Center
CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA) and the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies (MALS) at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, offer a pipeline program.
Students in good standing with at least one semester of coursework in CUNY BA, at least 60 credits completed (at least junior level), and a CUNY BA GPA of at least 3.0 may be permitted to earn up to 12 (twelve) credits within MALS during their undergraduate degree program in CUNY BA. These credits will be applicable to the CUNY BA degree and may be accepted towards a Master’s degree, for those CUNY BA graduates desiring to continue into the MALS program.
There are two times a year to apply. November 1st for Spring and March 1st for the Fall. The application is process is online and is outlined here.
LEARN MORE: Check back here to find information about attending a Virtual CUNYBA-MALS Pipeline Information Session during the fall semester.
Meanwhile, click here to read an interview from our late-Spring 2022 newsletter with Robert Cleary (American Studies and Critical Studies, Hunter College) a graduate of the CUNY BA-MALS (Master of Arts in Liberal Studies) Pipeline Program and a current Ph.D. student in History at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Sample Subject Area
College | Department | Course Title | Credits |
Baruch | HIS 3056 | The Civil Rights Movement | 3 |
Hunter | HIST 35900 | Immigration and Ethnicity in the US | 3 |
Hunter | URBS 40392 | Housing and the American City | 3 |
Brooklyn College | AMST 3307 | Transnational America | 3 |
Brooklyn College | AMST 3206 | Hard Times: The Great Depression | 3 |
Brooklyn College | AMST 3212 | Decade in Crisis: The 1960s | 3 |
Brooklyn College | AMST 5003W | Independent Research | 3 |
Graduate Center | MALS 70800 | Transformations of Modernity 1914-present | 3 |
4 + 1 Pipeline Program with Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY

The 4+1 programs allows eligible CUNY students to complete an MA in Journalism in an additional year after their bachelor’s degree, by taking 12 credits of coursework at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY in their senior year that counts toward both their bachelor’s and MA degrees.
To be eligible, a student must have completed 75 credits towards a bachelor’s degree and must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. No prior journalism coursework or experience is needed.
Students in the 4+1 program can complete their MA in as little as one year (two semesters and a summer) but can also extend their studies, depending on work and family obligations.
In the fall of your senior year, you would take the 5.5-credit Craft of Journalism course, which lays the foundation for all subsequent coursework at the school. It covers reporting skills like interviewing and research, writing and story construction, verification, photography and audience engagement, among others.
In the spring of your senior year, you would take a first course in a subject concentration (3 credits), then choose among other introductory courses, such as data journalism (3 credits), fundamentals of audio (2 credits), fundamentals of video (2.5 credits) or advanced research (1 credit).
Upon completion of your undergraduate degree, you will be fully admitted to the J-School. You will need to complete two more courses in your selected reporting subject concentration. Concentration choices are: Arts & Culture, Local Accountability Reporting, International Reporting, Health & Science, Business & Economics, and Bilingual Journalism in Spanish and English.
In addition, you can choose to take a range of courses across all media formats, or you can opt to specialize in audio, broadcast/documentary, investigative or data reporting. Finally, you will be required to complete a paid summer internship.
How to Apply
Current CUNY BA students interested in applying should submit 2-3 writing samples and a statement of no more than 1,000 words that explains what draws you to the profession, what subjects you’d like to shine a light on, and what you hope to gain from studying at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism. GPA and credit count will be confirmed with applicants’ schools. There is no application fee.
And Many Other Opportunities!
Study Abroad
International Education is a natural fit for many CUNY Baccalaureate students. Students should consult with their academic advisors as they begin the planning process and continue to work closely with their advisor to ensure that their plans for studying abroad are reasonable, that they are registered correctly and that their credits will be transferable. Any student studying abroad independently or on a non-CUNY program must work with CUNY Baccalaureate staff to ensure that they are in compliance with the CUNY International Travel Guidelines and that, as part of those requirements, they are appropriately insured and registered in the CUNY Travel Registry. Students must also ensure that their chosen destination is allowable under CUNY guidelines. There are a variety of scholarships available to support students in studying abroad. Ask your academic and study abroad advisors for more information. All students planning to study abroad are required to complete the CUNY BA Study Abroad Participation Form as soon as they have been accepted into a study abroad program; this is critical in ensuring that credits will be transferred and applied to your degree. If you have any questions about the process of studying abroad as a CUNY BA student, please contact Senior Academic Advisor and International Education Liaison, Kate McPherson.
Kate McPherson
International Education Liaison and Senior Academic Advisor
Phone: (929) 260-4910
Drop-in hours: Thursdays from 1-3 PM
Attend drop-in hours on Zoom: Click here

The Sixth Annual CUNY BA Student Showcase
The CUNY Graduate Center
May 6, 2025
5-7 PM, William P. Kelly Skylight Room
The 2025 Student Showcase is now accepting applications!
Join us for a celebration of CUNY BA students' uniqueness and diversity!
Present your achievements to the whole CUNY BA community: submit your innovative contribution starting November 6. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until February 14.
You conducted a research project? You studied abroad? You did an internship? You are a performer? You developed an independent project? Come and share it with the CUNY BA community for our annual CUNY BA Student Showcase in May, 2025!
Help us spotlight the amazing diversity of CUNY BA students, your projects and experiences in the program. If you have done any of the above projects, or something completely different, this is the opportunity for you to share your work! You can choose your format: a short presentation or performance, a collaborative group discussion, a live demo of your product, or make a poster for a project gallery. Bonus: it will look great on your resume!
Your project is still in progress? We accept applications for projects at all stages of development.
If you have any questions about the application process, please email CUNY BA Fellows Chelsea Joliet (Chelsea.Joliet72@cunyba.cuny.edu) and/or Justine Lyons (Justine.Lyons85@cunyba.cuny.edu). You may also register to attend one of the following info-sessions Nov 8th at 12 PM or Nov 26 at 1 PM.
Fulbright US Student Program
- Is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State
- Is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars, and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching, and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide
- Was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to "enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries"
- Awarded approximately six thousand grants in 2010, at a cost of more than $322.3 million, to U.S. students, teachers, professionals, and scholars to study, teach, lecture, and conduct research in more than 155 countries, and to their foreign counterparts to engage in similar activities in the United States
- Supports approximately 1,700 U.S. citizens to engage in study, research, or teaching assistantships abroads via the U.S. Student Program
- Receives its primary source of funding through an annual appropriation from Congress to the Department of State. Participating governments and host institutions in foreign countries, and in the United States, also contribute financially through cost-sharing and indirect support, e.g., through salary supplements, tuition waivers, and university housing
- The U.S. Student Program grant numbers are subject to the availability of federally appropriated funds. The United States Department of State reserves the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, numbers of awards, terms of agreement, and allowances.
If you are a U.S. citizen, who will have a bachelor’s degree by the beginning date of the grant, but will not have a doctoral degree as of the national deadline, and who is thinking of studying, assistant-teaching English, or conducting research abroad, then you could be one of more than 1,700 students who receive a Fulbright U.S. Student grant to go overseas. The U.S. Student Fulbright Program operates in more than 135 countries worldwide. The program offers grants in nearly all fields and disciplines, including the sciences, professional fields and Creative and Performing Arts
For detailed information on eligibility, awards available, and the application components, please review the pages on the Fulbright program website.
As of 2010, CUNY Baccalaureate students and recent alumni can apply through CUNY Baccalaureate, rather than their home college.
CUNY Baccalaureate will not be sponsoring applicants in 2022. Students should apply through their home campus process.
CUNY Baccalaureate alumni who have received Fulbright awards:
- Noam Gal, 2023 (Israel, Study/Research)
- Amna Azeem, 2019 (Bulgaria, English Teaching Assistantship)
- Jawad Rashid, 2018 (Moldova, Study/Research)
- Michael B. Clark, 2017 (Kenya, Study/Research)
- Shahrukh Khan, 2017 (India, Study/Research)
- Jessica Khaimova, 2017 (UK, Study/Research)
- Zhong 'Linda' Lin, 2016 (Spain, English Teaching Assistantship)
- Alyssa Blumenthal, 2015 (Sweden, Study/Research)
- Hogai Aryoubi, 2015 (Turkey, English Teaching Assistantship)
- William Cheung, 2014 (Germany, English Teaching Assistantship)
- Mariya Tuchinskaya, 2014 (Bulgaria, English Teaching Assistantship)
- Russell Barlow, 2013 (Germany, Study/Research)
- Jaimie Stettin, 2013 (France, English Teaching Assistantship)
- Joshua Trinidad, 2013 (Colombia, English Teaching Assistantship)
- George Vourderis, 2012 (South Korea, Study/Research)
- Julia Szendro, 2011 (Hungary, Study/Research)
- Keisha Toms, 2005 (Yemen, Study/Research)
- Stephanie Trudeau, 2005 (Italy, Study/Research)
- Cecilie Finkelstein, 2003 (Norway, Study/Research)
- Daisy Rosenblum, 1999 (Mexico, Study/Research)
- Michael Mueller, 1996 (Cyprus, Study/Research)
Other Fulbright Award Recipients:
- Kayhan Irani, 2012 (India, Fulbright-Nehru Program)
- Easter Wood, 2011 (Nigeria, Fulbright-Hays Project)
Info for Student Veterans
CUNY BA is eager and proud to serve students who have served in the military. We find that the flexible nature of the program, including transfer evaluations of military credit and the individualized advising and mentoring relationships, makes CUNY BA a perfect fit for student veterans. Students enrolled in CUNY BA will remain eligible to receive the same VA Benefits that they would at any CUNY campus. This page is intended to serve as a resource for both students and administrators, providing guidance on how VA Benefits are to be processed for students in this program.
This memorandum is intended to provide instructions on processing VA Benefits for Veterans in the CUNY BA program.
- Any CUNY BA student who is eligible for VA benefits must apply for benefits through the Graduate Center
- Students who receive VA Benefits who are enrolled in CUNY BA will be responsible for identifying themselves to Kate McPherson
- The colleges should advise these students of this procedure
- CUNY BA students already receiving VA Benefits will be required to change their place of training to The Graduate Center
- Students will be required to submit a copy of their certificate of eligibility to CUNY BA
- CUNYBA Certifying Officer (Kate McPherson) sends a parent letter to the Certifying Officer at the campus where the courses are taken (the student’s ‘home college’ of record in CUNYBA).
- The campus certifies the student and indicates GUEST on the VA-ONCE certification form.