Qualified students may take some graduate courses as part of their CUNY BA undergraduate program. Policies about admission of undergraduates into graduate courses vary from campus to campus and from discipline to discipline; students must comply with those policies. Interested…
Liberal Arts and Science Requirements
Minimum LAS credits: 60 60-89 LAS credits for a Bachelor of Science degree 90+ LAS credits for a Bachelor of Arts degree LAS courses are those in which theory is the focus and in which broad foundations link the…
Taking Business Courses at Baruch
The following policy is set by the Dean of the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College: The demand for many business courses frequently exceed the supply for these courses at the Zicklin School of Business every semester, as undergraduate…
“I really appreciate the help and insight CUNY BA provided me for my two areas of concentration. I have learned so much with the guidance of my faculty mentors who continue to inspire me.” — Gabriel Lubon, Engineering Psychology/Interdisciplinary Studies…
Home College
Home College for CUNY BA CUNY Baccalaureate recruits students from within CUNY as well as outside of CUNY. (Approximately 30% of our new admits each semester are students who were not enrolled in CUNY at the time of their CUNY…
Graduate Study
Please see the Graduate Study category of our blog for additional information. Graduate School Application Codes: CUNY Baccalaureate has its own code number for the GRE — 2479. The program’s CEEB code for graduate school applications is 004765. For the LSAT,…
Academic Advising
CUNY Baccalaureate is committed to providing the individual advice and assistance students need at every step throughout their degree programs. Academic advisors are available to answer questions about course work, distribution requirements, mentors, and other matters related to their degrees…
Calculating Your GPA
The following quality points are based on 1 credit. To calculate your GPA, multiply the quality points corresponding to your grade by the number of credits for the course. Divide the total by the number of quality points possible for…
Dean’s List
Students who maintain a 3.5 average for 30 consecutive graded credits (with no open grades) while in the program are placed on the dean’s list. For each subsequent 12 consecutive credits earned with a 3.5 average, the student is placed…
Class Status
A chart representing class status based on cumulative credits.