Tailoring Your Bachelor’s Degree to Your Career – Info Session

student sitting in front of computer screen in from of a window though which the sun is setting

july, 2020

20jul5:30 pmTailoring Your Bachelor's Degree to Your Career - Info Session5:30 pm

Event Details

CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA) offers highly motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to design their own area(s) of concentration (similar to a majors) in collaboration with a faculty mentor. Our students get to design their own major in CUNY.

At this session, we will give you an overview of the program and how you can use it to create an area of concentration (or two areas) that aligns with your career aspirations. We will also provide information about how to apply.

Please click here to register.

Note: We are still accepting applications for Fall 2020.


(Monday) 5:30 pm

