2022: The Third Annual CUNY BA Student Showcase The Third Annual CUNY BA Student Showcase took place on May 11, 2022. Dr. Teresa Curmi, the interim academic director, gave the opening remarks. Dr. Curmi closed the session as well. Joining…
4 + 1 Pipeline Program with CUNY School of Public Health
The pipeline permits eligible CUNY BA students (as defined below) to take graduate- level courses at SPH during their junior and senior years in CUNY BA, with such courses counting towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and secures their early admission to SPH’s master’s programs, to enable the completion of both the undergraduate and master’s degrees in five years rather than six.
CUNY BA Student Leadership Council
The Student Leadership Council (SLC) is the sole, student-led organization within CUNY BA. The SLC is committed to: Providing students with the knowledge, support, and resources to lead successful lives; Advancing the program’s local and national presence as a leader…
South Asian Studies Brochure
Check out the brochure announcing the South Asian Studies concentration.
Disability Studies Brochure
Check out the brochure announcing the Disability Studies concentration.
Mentorgram from September 2000
Check out the Mentorgram from September 2000.
Mentorgram from October 2000
Check out the Mentorgram from October 2000.
Partners in Learning – the CUNY BA mentor handbook
Take a look at CUNY BA’s handbook for faculty mentors.
Program brochure (early 2000s)
Check out this program brochure from the early 2000s.
Program brochure
Check out the program brochure from the year 2000.