Transfer Credits

One of the many advantages of transferring to CUNY BA is that your transfer credits will be determined during the application process and explained to you upon your acceptance; appropriate courses previously taken will be applied toward CUNY BA degree requirements.

Here are our transfer credit guidelines:

  • Transfer Credits: CUNY BA evaluates all courses previously taken and can accept up to a total of 90 credits. (The maximum allowed for community college credits is 68).
  • CUNY Credits: All credits earned within CUNY are recognized.
  • Credit may be granted for courses taken at other institutions in which students received a grade of at least a full “C”.
  • Remedial and ESL credits do not transfer.
  • International Credits: Credits from universities outside the U.S. must be evaluated by the student’s CUNY college of matriculation (home college) OR by a course-by-course evaluation by one of the following agencies prior to applying:

A maximum of 30 credits of non-collegiate credit is possible granted under the CUNY Credit for Prior Learning Policy. CUNY’s credit for prior learning options include:

  • Exams, such as Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP (College Level Examination Program), and International Baccalaureate (IB);
  • Portfolio assessment (maximum 15 credits);
  • Review of industry credentials, such as FDNY, NYPD, EMS, and military trainings. These experiences may be evaluated by ACE or NCCRS, organizations that make recommendations for college credit.

Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Students who have taken Advanced Placement (AP) exams should submit their scores with their application to the program. AP exams passed with scores of 3 or higher (effective for Fall 2017 admissions) will be considered for credit based on the ACE credit granting recommendations (effective Spring 2024 admissions). Exams which replicate credit granted for other college-level coursework will not be considered.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • Up to 30 credits can be granted to students who completed International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas with scores of 30 or greater. Scores of 5 or better for higher-level IB exams, taken by students who either did not complete the IB diploma or completed the IB with a score of 29 or less, can be accepted.