The pipeline permits eligible CUNY BA students (as defined below) to take graduate- level courses at SPH during their junior and senior years in CUNY BA, with such courses counting towards both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and secures their early admission to SPH’s master’s programs, to enable the completion of both the undergraduate and master’s degrees in five years rather than six.
Fall 2020 CR/NC Policy Poll for Graduating Seniors
Hunter College: New Japanese Language Course Available
We wanted to share that Hunter College added their first 400 level language course to their curriculum for Fall 2020 semester. (see their Japanese studies department). This course can greatly benefit our CUNY BA students who are majoring in Japanese.…
4 + 1 Pipeline Program with Masters in Liberal Studies at CUNY Graduate Center
Students in good standing with at least one semester of coursework in CUNY BA, at least 60 credits completed (at least junior level), and a CUNY BA GPA of at least 3.0 may be permitted to earn up to 12 (twelve) credits within MALS during their undergraduate degree program in CUNY BA. These credits will be applicable to the CUNY BA degree and may be accepted towards a Master’s degree, for those CUNY BA graduates desiring to continue into the MALS program.
Download the program handbook at this link: Program Handbook (PDF) PROGRAM HANDBOOK 2023 – 2024 Welcome from the Academic Director Congratulations, CUNY Baccalaureate student, on creating an area of specialization outside of a traditional major! As a “Laureate,” you are…
Graduation Requirements
CUNY Baccalaureate students must complete a graduation audit with their Academic Advisor when they have earned between 90 and 100 credits and have an approved area of concentration form (or forms, if applicable) on file. They are not eligible to…
Viewing Your Record
Current CUNY students have access to unofficial student transcripts for each campus that they attended in CUNYfirst. These are typically acceptable to use for applications that ask for an unofficial or student copy of a transcript. Current CUNY BA students…
Graduation Audit
Students who have had their area of concentration forms approved and have completed between 90 and 100 credits must make an appointment to review their academic records before registering for the final semester in the program. During the audit, students…
Finding Your Mentor(s)
Finding your CUNY BA Faculty Mentor Having a faculty mentor is central to CUNY Baccalaureate’s philosophy and structure. Securing a faculty mentor is your responsibility. You do not need to have a faculty mentor in order to apply to the…
Pathways General Education Requirements
Students who entered CUNY BA in Summer 2013 and beyond follow a CUNY-wide general education requirement called Pathways. It constitutes a subset of the overall liberal arts requirement, and it has two parts, as follows: The Required Core, Four Courses/12 Credits…