AES Assessment

In addition to the continuous assessment of its students, the CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies (CUNY BA) program maintains metrics relevant to its administrative, educational, and student support (AES) functions. In spite of the small breadth of the program’s staff, a mission statement and goals have been developed for each functional area. Aligned with these are applicable, measurable outcomes. The data collected from each area are analyzed and utilized to examine the efficiency level of the program’s operations, and to determine whether any changes need to be implemented. The schedule for the assessment of each functional area is outlined in the table below.

AES Assessment Timeline
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
CUNY BA Executive OfficeX   
Admissions X  
Academic Advisement X  
Registrar  X 
Scholarships & Financial Aid  X 
Alumni Affairs   X
CUNY BA-Bard Collaboration   X
Event PlanningXXXX
CUNY BA Fellows ProgramXXXX