Ph.D. candidate in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Field of study: illegitimate tasks, a new stressor construct in occupational health psychology literature
Dissertation topic: Perception of coworker sharing illegitimate tasks experiences. I am examining the effects of how an individual’s perception of whether or not other individuals receive illegitimate tasks in a group context affects their emotional well being and work performance.

Bio: Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi is from Brazil and grew up in Australia. He earned his B.S. in Psychology (honors) at the College of Charleston, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Baruch College and the Graduate Center, CUNY. Beyond the traditional HR and I-O topics, his academic interests center on (1) illegitimate tasks (particularly on how interpersonal variables affect the experience) in the workplace, (2) appropriate use of online crowdsourcing (e.g., MTurk, Panel research, etc.) sampling in research and (3) linguistic ostracism in the workplace. Outside of academia, Marino is deeply invested in culture, languages, outdated music and movies.